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Xinchang Electronic Ceramics was established in 1990. It is one of the few passive component manufacturers in China that can supply ceramic powder raw materials and sell multilayer ceramic capacitors at the same time. It is also the only manufacturer capable of vertically integrating raw materials from upstream to passive chip components.

{{ isCn ? '分类搜索' : 'Category'}} {{ isCn ? '参数筛选' : 'Filter'}}

{{ isCn ? '选择以下产品分类,查看过滤选项并缩小您的搜索范围' : 'Select the following product categories to view filtering options and narrow down your search scope'}}

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{{ isCn? '产品种类' : 'Category' }}
{{seriesCate[isCn ? 'serDescCn' : 'serDescEn']}} {{seriesCate[isCn ? 'serDescCn' : 'serDescEn']}}
{{ isCn?groupName[index]['nameCn'] : groupName[index]['nameEn']}}
{{opt.desc}} {{opt.desc}}
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{{isCn ? '全部移除并关闭' : 'Remove all and close'}} {{isCn ? '关闭' : 'Close'}} {{ (isCn ? '查看对比产品' : 'View comparative products') + ' (' + comparisonData.length + ')'}}