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Shenzhen Sunway Communication Co., Ltd. was established on April 27, 2006 and is one of the first national high-tech enterprises. On November 5, 2010, the company was listed on the ChiNext board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange with the stock code 300136.SZ. Relying on the world's leading RF device R&D, design, and manufacturing solution provider, we provide customers with comprehensive standard passive component solutions - resistors, capacitors, and inductors. The product applications involve consumer electronics (smartphones, personal computers, smart wearables, etc.), automobiles, Internet of Things/smart homes, communication, data centers, and other fields. It is a new generation of information industry technology supported and encouraged by the state.

HNST product center SUNWAY
{{ isCn ? '分类搜索' : 'Category'}} {{ isCn ? '参数筛选' : 'Filter'}}

{{ isCn ? '选择以下产品分类,查看过滤选项并缩小您的搜索范围' : 'Select the following product categories to view filtering options and narrow down your search scope'}}

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{{ isCn?groupName[index]['nameCn'] : groupName[index]['nameEn']}}
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