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Yageo Co., Ltd. was founded in 1977 and is the largest supplier of passive components in Taiwan and the world's largest professional capacitor manufacturer. As the first passive component to be listed in Taiwan, Guoju is an international enterprise with a global production and sales base. Guoju continues to strive to become the world's best supplier of passive components, and strives to become the "service industry in the electronics industry". We uphold the integrated services of continuous development and operation, providing customers with the best quality and cost solutions. The main products of Guoju Yageo Electronics include: SMD capacitors, SMD resistors, alloy resistors, current sensing resistors, anti vulcanization resistors, anti surge resistors, high-power resistors, high-voltage resistors, vehicle gauge resistors, SMD inductors, wafer resistors, and so on.

HNST product center → YAGEO
{{ isCn ? '分类搜索' : 'Category'}} {{ isCn ? '参数筛选' : 'Filter'}}

{{ isCn ? '选择以下产品分类,查看过滤选项并缩小您的搜索范围' : 'Select the following product categories to view filtering options and narrow down your search scope'}}

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{{ isCn? '产品种类' : 'Category' }}
{{seriesCate[isCn ? 'serDescCn' : 'serDescEn']}} {{seriesCate[isCn ? 'serDescCn' : 'serDescEn']}}
{{ isCn?groupName[index]['nameCn'] : groupName[index]['nameEn']}}
{{opt.desc}} {{opt.desc}}
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