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Vishay Intertechnology (NYSE: VSH) is a leading global manufacturer of discrete semiconductors and passive electronic components, founded by Polish businessman Felix Zandman in 1962 and headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA. After decades of technological innovation and continuous mergers and acquisitions, Vishay has rapidly developed into one of the world's largest manufacturers of discrete semiconductors and passive electronic devices. The company has manufacturing factories in Israel, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, producing rectifiers, diodes, MOSFETs, optoelectronic devices, selected integrated circuits, resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

VISHAY alloy resistance

Detailed explanation of Vishay alloy current detection resistor

1. Product parameters

Vishay's alloy current detection resistors come in various models and specifications to meet different application needs. Here are some common model parameter examples:

WSR series: resistance range 0.001 Ω~1 Ω, accuracy 0.5% 5%, power 2W~3W, temperature drift 75ppm~750ppm.
WFC series: resistance range 0.001 Ω~0.18 Ω, accuracy 1% 5%, power 0.125W~1W, temperature drift 50ppm~150ppm.
WSLP series: such as WSLP2512, with a resistance as low as 0.0003 Ω, a power of up to 6W, and a TCR as low as ± 70ppm/℃.

2. Material characteristics

Alloy material: Vishay's alloy current detection resistors use solid metal nickel chromium, manganese copper, or manganese copper tin alloy resistor cores, which have excellent electrical characteristics and stability.
Low TCR: The low TCR (Temperature Coefficient Resistance) makes it possible to achieve stable and accurate current measurement over a wide temperature range.
High precision: Vishay adopts unique processing technology to achieve high precision in the resistance range of the device, with tolerances of ± 1.0% and ± 5.0%, respectively.
Low thermoelectric potential (EMF): A very low thermoelectric potential, such as the EMF of WSLP2512<3 μ V/℃.

3. Product application

Vishay's alloy current detection resistors are widely used in various fields, including:

Automotive Electronics: Electronic control devices for engines, transmissions, anti lock braking systems, audio systems, and climate control in automobiles.
Power management: various types of current detection, voltage division, and pulse applications, such as VRM for servers.
Industrial applications: Inverter control for drilling testing and measurement equipment and HVAC systems.
Consumer electronics: suitable for power management of devices such as tablets and mobile phones.

4. Product advantages

Space saving: For example, WSLP2512 has a power density of up to 192W/square inch, allowing designers to use the smallest possible resistance in high-power circuits to save space.
Improve efficiency: Low resistance values minimize power loss and increase the efficiency of the final product.
Stable and accurate: The low TCR characteristic enables stable and accurate current measurement over a wide temperature range.
Compliant with standards: Compliant with RoHS and Vishay green standards, halogen-free, and meets environmental requirements.

In summary, Vishay's alloy current sensing resistors occupy an important position in the industrial and consumer electronics fields due to their superior material properties, wide application range, and significant product advantages. Vishay's alloy current sensing resistors are a reliable choice for both professional engineers and researchers.

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