SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT are both indispensable products for the development of electronic products. SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT have many common characteristics and differences. Therefore, the following is a comparison of their product differences:
1. Power consumption difference: The power consumption of SiC MOSFET is significantly reduced compared to Si IGBT, as the increase in Boolean resistance results in better soft start and low-frequency behavior, reducing heat dissipation issues.
2. Differences in switching characteristics: SiC MOSFETs exhibit higher speed and efficiency in their switching characteristics, which brings safety to the circuit. Si IGBT is known for its low cost, with much lower switching speed and power density than SiC MOSFET, but it is suitable for low-frequency applications.
3. Noise difference: SiC MOSFET has lower output voltage noise, which can achieve higher accuracy and stability. Si IGBT causes significant deviation in filter performance in a short period of time.
4. Power density difference: SiC MOSFET has a much higher power density than Si IGBT and has a larger power capacity in the same size, which can reduce the overall size. Therefore, in general, SiC MOSFETs have advantages in limited space.