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HNST product center Diodes → Switching Diodes
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Picture Spec Product number Maker Part Number & Description supply status Unit Price Reverse Voltag (VRM) Output Current(IO) Power Dissipation (Pd) Forward voltage (VF) Package series Action
Picture Spec Product number Maker Part Number & Description supply status Unit Price Reverse Voltag (VRM) Output Current(IO) Power Dissipation (Pd) Forward voltage (VF) Package series Action
Picture Spec Product number Maker Part Number & Description supply status Unit Price Reverse Voltag (VRM) Output Current(IO) Power Dissipation (Pd) Forward voltage (VF) Package series Action
Switching Diodes ,1N4148WS ,100V ,150mA ,200mW ,SOD323 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,1N4148WS ,100V ,150mA ,200mW ,SOD323

5 stock

5: $0.027881
30: $0.023235
100: $0.018588
300: $0.013941
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100V 150mA 150mW 1.25V SOD-323 CJ-Switching Diodes

MOQ: 5

MPQ: 3000

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Switching Diodes ,1N4148W ,VR:75V ,IO:150mA ,PD:350mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOD-123 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,1N4148W ,VR:75V ,IO:150mA ,PD:350mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOD-123

40 stock

5: $0.027881
30: $0.023235
100: $0.018588
300: $0.013941
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75V 150mA 350mW 1.25V SOD-123 CJ-Switching Diodes

MOQ: 5

MPQ: 3000

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Switching Diodes ,1SS400 ,VR:80V ,IO:100mA ,PD:150mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOD-523 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,1SS400 ,VR:80V ,IO:100mA ,PD:150mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOD-523

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5: $0.047502
30: $0.039585
100: $0.031668
300: $0.023751
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80V 100mA 150mW 1.2V SOD-523 CJ-Switching Diodes

MOQ: 8000

MPQ: 8000

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Switching Diodes ,1SS400G ,VR:80V ,IO:100mA ,PD:100mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOD-723 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,1SS400G ,VR:80V ,IO:100mA ,PD:100mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOD-723

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5: $0.058861
30: $0.049051
100: $0.039241
300: $0.029430
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80V 100mA 100mW 1.2V SOD-723 CJ-Switching Diodes

MOQ: 8000

MPQ: 8000

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Switching Diodes ,BAV199 ,VR:70V ,IO:215mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAV199 ,VR:70V ,IO:215mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23

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5: $0.054730
30: $0.045609
100: $0.036487
300: $0.027365
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70V 215mA 225mW 1.25V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes

MOQ: 3000

MPQ: 3000

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Switching Diodes ,BAV70 ,VR:70V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAV70 ,VR:70V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23

Arrival Notice

5: $0.048534
30: $0.040445
100: $0.032356
300: $0.024267
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70V 200mA 225mW 1.25V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes

MOQ: 3000

MPQ: 3000

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Switching Diodes ,BAV99 ,VR:70V ,IO:215mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAV99 ,VR:70V ,IO:215mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23

Arrival Notice

5: $0.043371
30: $0.036143
100: $0.028914
300: $0.021686
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70V 215mA 225mW 1.25V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes

MOQ: 3000

MPQ: 3000

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Switching Diodes ,BAW56W ,VR:75V ,IO:150mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-323 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAW56W ,VR:75V ,IO:150mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-323

Arrival Notice

5: $0.077448
30: $0.064540
100: $0.051632
300: $0.038724
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75V 150mA 200mW 1.25V SOT-323 CJ-Switching Diodes

MOQ: 3000

MPQ: 3000

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Switching Diodes ,BAV70W ,VR:70V ,IO:70mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1V ,SOT-323 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAV70W ,VR:70V ,IO:70mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1V ,SOT-323

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70V 70mA 200mW 1V SOT-323 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,DK70LLD03 ,VR:85V ,IO:75mA ,PD:100mW ,VF:1.25V ,WBFBP-03D Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,DK70LLD03 ,VR:85V ,IO:75mA ,PD:100mW ,VF:1.25V ,WBFBP-03D

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85V 75mA 100mW 1.25V WBFBP-03A(1.6×1.6×0.5) CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,UMN1N ,VR:80V ,IO:25mA ,PD:150mW ,VF:0.9V ,SOT-353 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,UMN1N ,VR:80V ,IO:25mA ,PD:150mW ,VF:0.9V ,SOT-353

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80V 25mA 150mW 0.9V SOT-353 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,1N4448WS ,VR:75V ,IO:250mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOD-323 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,1N4448WS ,VR:75V ,IO:250mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOD-323

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75V 250mA 200mW 1.25V SOD-323 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,1SS181 ,VR:80V ,IO:100mA ,PD:150mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,1SS181 ,VR:80V ,IO:100mA ,PD:150mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOT-23

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80V 100mA 150mW 1.2V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,1SS184 ,80V ,100mA ,150mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,1SS184 ,80V ,100mA ,150mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOT-23

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80V 100mA 150mW 1.2V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,1SS370 ,VR:200V ,IO:100mA ,PD:100mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOT-323 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,1SS370 ,VR:200V ,IO:100mA ,PD:100mW ,VF:1.2V ,SOT-323

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200V 100mA 100mW 1.2V SOT-323 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAS116 ,VR:75V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAS116 ,VR:75V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23

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75V 200mA 225mW 1.25V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAS16 ,VR:75V ,IO:150mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAS16 ,VR:75V ,IO:150mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23

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75V 150mA 225mW 1.25V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAS21 ,VR:250V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAS21 ,VR:250V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23

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250V 200mA 225mW 1.25V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAS21W ,VR:250V ,IO:200mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-323 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAS21W ,VR:250V ,IO:200mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-323

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250V 200mA 200mW 1.25V SOT-323 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAV199DW ,VR:85V ,IO:160mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-363 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAV199DW ,VR:85V ,IO:160mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-363

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85V 160mA 200mW 1.25V SOT-363 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAV20WS ,VR:150V ,IO:200mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOD-323 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAV20WS ,VR:150V ,IO:200mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOD-323

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150V 200mA 200mW 1.25V SOD-323 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAV74 ,VR:50V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAV74 ,VR:50V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1V ,SOT-23

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50V 200mA 225mW 1V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAV99S ,VR:75V ,IO:150mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-363 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAV99S ,VR:75V ,IO:150mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-363

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75V 150mA 200mW 1.25V SOT-363 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,BAW56 ,VR:70V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,BAW56 ,VR:70V ,IO:200mA ,PD:225mW ,VF:1.25V ,SOT-23

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70V 200mA 225mW 1.25V SOT-23 CJ-Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes ,DA204U ,VR:20V ,IO:100mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1V ,SOT-323 Add comparison CJ

Switching Diodes ,DA204U ,VR:20V ,IO:100mA ,PD:200mW ,VF:1V ,SOT-323

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20V 100mA 200mW 1V SOT-323 CJ-Switching Diodes